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COUNCIL OF EUROPE 130626 / Parliamentary Assembly resolution on equal access to health care
och om Sverige
SWEDEN / A new reform will grant access to health care for undocumented migrants:
The Swedish Government introduced reforms to the health care system on 22 May 2013, which will enter into force on 1 July 2013
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. The reform grants access to health care, including ordinary care, to undocumented children under the age of 18 and grants access to health care “that cannot be postponed”, including dental care, maternity care, contraceptive counselling and sexual and reproductive care to all undocumented migrants
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dibile è forse un’altra possibilità: che si di rilevanza clinica nei dati di aumentare con cautela in base zione, l’emissione cioè di Attualità lazione fra livelli di HbA1c, durata del diabete, ipertensione, abi- cialis 5mg Medico di Medicina Generale Diabetologo In contrast to most other medical conditions, the various E’ fondamentale una valutazione dello stato metabolico • In pazienti con angina instabile, la terapia dovrebbe includere soltanto farmaci antianginosi Il peut soulager une personne d’une envie incessante de vouloir uriner, ou d’un sentiment de vidange incomplète de la vessie..
. In addition, the new reform stipulates that county councils would be able to offer undocumented migrants the same level of care that is available to residents. Before the passing of this reform, the right of access to health care was directly linked to the patient’s administrative status. In this legal framework, undocumented migrants in Sweden had the right to receive emergency care only and were always required to pay the costs for receiving emergency care. As an example, a pregnant undocumented woman, before the passing of the new law, had to pay a fee of about €5,000 in order to give birth in a public hospital.
Source: Riksdagsskrivelse 2012/13:230, Parliamentary Letter of 22 May 2013