Albanska Arabiska Bosniska/Kroatiska/Serbiska Engelska Farsi Mongoliska Ryska Spanska
ADULT Undocumented migrants (”papperslösa”) who are 18 years or older have the same right to health care as adult asylum seekers in Sweden, which is ”health care that cannot be postponed” (health care, including dental care), a medical examination, maternity care (e.g. pregnancy check ups), contraception advice, health care connected with abortion, prescribed medication, rehabilitation, medical appliances (”hjälpmedel”) in case of disability, transportation and interpreter in connection to health care visits, etc. The health personell determines if the health care you need ”cannot be postponed” and also has the possibility to give you access to health care to the same level as for Swedish residents.
CHILDREN All children that are in Sweden have the same right to health care as children residing in Sweden, i.e. subsidized and comprehensive health care including regular dental care.
CHARGES The bulk of the cost for health care is paid for by the state. The part you have to pay yourself is called Patient Fee. Patient Fees may vary between different counties. Doctor visits at health care center or local emergency unit is 50 kr. To withdraw pharmaceutical drugs is 50 kr. Health examination and health care that is carried out under support of the Infectious Diseases Act shall be free of cost.
WHO IS ”PAPPERSLÖS” ”Papperslös” is the Swedish word for undocumented migrant. You are ”papperslös” if you reside in Sweden without an official permission to do so.
QUESTIONS? If you have questions, want to learn more or encounter any difficulties in accessing health care, you can contact the Red Cross Health Agency in Stockholm. You are also welcome to contact Rosengrenska on
PRIVACY Just like any other patient, you have the right to secrecy within the health care system. This means that health care staff are not allowed to contact public authorities such as Immigration Service and the police in order to pass information about you as an undocumented migrant (”papperslös”).
IDENTIFICATION It is a good idea if you bring an ID document with you when you are in contact with health care services (identification, old LMA card, passport or copy of ID documentation). If you do not have an ID document, you are entitled to health care anyway.
RESERVED NUMBER When you have contact with health care you receive a ”reserved number”. This number will only work as identification within the health care system. Always bring your reserved number when visiting health care. Try to use the same reserved number at each care visit.
CONTACT INFORMATION Health care can sometimes need to get in touch with you and, therefore, usually asks for an address and telephone number. If you have a c/o address, it is important that you provide the name that is on the door. If you do not have an address, you can leave just a phone number. If you cannot speak Swedish, it is a good idea to also give the phone number of a Swedish-speaking contact person.
- Ambulance: 112
- Medical advice: 1177.
OTHER ORGANISATIONS THAT OFFER HELP Agape, Ingen Människa Är Illegal, Rosenjuristerna, Asylrättsstudenterna, FARR. Click here for other organisations that offer help, support, health care, information to undocumented migrants (”papperslösa”).
The Rosengrenska Foundation is a network of health care professionals that operate a volunteer health care center for undocumented migrants (”papperslösa”) in Gothenburg since 1998. We are advocating for equal access to health care for undocumented migrants as for Swedish residents, in accordance with Swedens human rights obligations and the principles of medical ethics. Since 1st of July 2013 undocumented migrants have a legal right to access to subsidized health care, but significant obstacles still exist in practice
We offer help and support to undocumented migrants who experience difficulties in contact with the public health care system. We also organize lecture a couple of times every year. We cooperate with many other non-governmental organisations, churches, health care organisations, etc.
Since its foundation in 1998, Rosengrenska has had the same three goals:
ABOLISH OURSELVES. Access to health care should not be depending on voluntary work.
INCREASE KNOWLEDGE. About the situation, health and access to health care of undocumented migrants.
OFFER HEALTH CARE. When undocumented emigrants cannot access or are too afraid to seek public health care.